GQA Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Wood Occupations (Construction) – on site assessment and training

NVQ Worker

This qualification is aimed at those who are involved in either shopfitting site work or shopfitting bench work.

The qualification is at level 2 although there may be some units at different levels and should be taken by those who are trained to deal with routine assignments but is equally suitable for new entrants to the industry.

During assessment candidates should require minimum supervision in undertaking the job. You need to be employed to undertake this qualification.

The Assessor will lead you through the process of getting a record of what your skills are as part of the NVQ NVQ Certificate in Wood Occupations.

We provide you with an induction pack that will tell you what you need to provide to demonstrate your skills. We will arrange with you the convenient way to bundle the required evidence.

Course Mandatory Units

  • Conforming to General Health, Safety and Welfare in the Workplace
  • Conforming to Productive Working Practices in the Workplace
  • Moving, Handling and Storing Resources in the Workplace

Pathway Units

Pathway 1 - Shopfitting site work

  • Installing Shopfitting Frames and Finishing in the Workplace
  • Installing Shopfitting Fitments in the Workplace
  • Installing Shopfronts and Finishing in the Workplace
  • Setting Up and Using Transportable Cutting and Shaping Machines in the Workplace

Pathway 2 - Shopfitting Bench Work

  • Producing setting out details for routine shopfitting products in the workplace
  • Marking out from setting out details for routine shopfitting products in the workplace
  • Manufacturing routine shopfitting products in the workplace

Call us on +441213933733 for free advice on how to register for this course or fill in the contact form and we will contact you.